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A small bouquet of white chrysanthemums with greens nicely wrapped up will always be welcome! This arrangement includes 10 White chrysanthemums (Davoodi) and white baby's breath.
Vibrant colors of carnations and chrysanthemums will definitely make anyone happy! This basket includes 9 red Carnations (Mikhak sad par) and 16 spray chrysanthemum (Davoodi-Minaye talaye)
This beautiful purple Hyacinth (3 Sonbols) is the best reminder for Norooz tradition.
This arrangement is available from March 17 to March 31.
$42.95 $49.95
A bright-colored spring season bouquet of spray chrysanthemums of different shades is a great mood enhancer! This bouquet includes Yellow, white, pink and red spray chrysanthemum (Davoodi).
A tender and touching bouquet will wake the spring in her soul. This arrangement includes 5 white chrysanthemum, 8 alstroemeria and ferns.
A large floor basket arrangement of chrysanthemum, statice and fern is the best gift for all formal events.
An exquisite arrangement of pink roses with exotic greenery. This beautiful bouquet includes 9 pink roses and white baby's breath.
Outburst of colors and paints. Don't hide your emotions; express them with our bright basket arrangement of chrysanthemum, baby’s breathe and greens.
This classic arrangement will best match a jubilee, or any other formal event. This beautiful bouquet includes 5 lilies, 3 yellow roses and 5 carnations (Mikhak Sad par).
If you want to make a special impression, this beautiful bouquet will do it for you. This arrangement includes 5 lilies, 12 white roses, 12 yellow roses and irises.